Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Excited... But stressed

Highlight the paragraph to read:
Ok I neVer kNew hOw increDibLy haRd, but increDibLy reWarDinG ruNniNg a reCoRd laBel coUld bE.


FiRst yOu haVe aLL the leGal JarGon and tHe whOle nine, copYriGhts, traDemarKs, copYriGhts, traDemarKs. DesiGns, picTuRes, conTracts! YoU CAN’T 4 geT tHe contracTs.

Oh GoSh…

But then YoU have… ThE sTaGe… You hav3 to loV3 the sTaGe!..

The AuDi3nce, the BanD, the MusiK of cours3 PpL…! AnD the r3sponse…

So exciting… But yEt frusTratinG

In the enD aLL the sLeePl3ss niTes aRe worth iT!...